The demise of the army of darkness
Across time stories have been told of the coming of a messiah . The one , who will lead believers , over throw darkness and reinstall...
RANT 4 : Walking the phosphate line, jumping the bacterial hurdle
With the discussions of Dr D Naidoo , his concluding point in a sense was , labile organic material builds up in your tank , water borne...
RANT 3 : "you know where I can score some po4?"
Bacteria dosing Dosing bacteria into reef aquariums have been a thing for a long while . With the introduction of live rock and its...
RANT 2 : "Let's get this phosphate party started right lets get this phosphate party starte
So what do corals actually want ? With such heated debates raging over ideal Po4 levels , where does it leave the layman reefer like...
RANT 1 : Rising army of the living dead
Keep sps long enough and bump your head enough times and somehow an opening line like that seems appropriate. How is that not true ? Sps...

The Universe in a glass box
I guess all I have to say here is, don’t be stupid. I think being stupid often stands in the way of intelligence. Also don’t be dumb,...

Article Three : Components Overview
Article three : Filtration : From the out look filtration can be broken down into three catergaries , mechanical , biological and...

Article Two : Unravelling the systems build
Unravelling the systems build . ” Spending time arguing over differences of opinion is stupid ” , Daffy Duck . Yes , there are many ways...

Article One: Discovering the reality
Article one : Discovering the reality . Most people start a reef tank in an attempt to keep a pair of ” Nemo’s ” and this is seen as a...